• @danielpunkass there is probably a ‘sequences have been sped up’ disclaimer in tiny text somewhere..

  • @czottmann this is one of the announcements I'm most pumped for. The books are fantastic!

  • @manton @danielpunkass Great episode this week. Hoping this is a bit of a turning point for Apple as it feels like a lot of the little developer grumbles are beginning to turn into tide of dissatisfaction.

  • @DazeEnd Fair point. I agree its time Apple pulled way back on their cut though. I think they probably have ‘enough’ money for now..

  • @DazeEnd ...but sadly, given the business you are in there is only one business partner to choose from!

  • @chaitanya Yeah, good shout. The Switch was the last console release that got me excited! I think the obsession with the numbers leaves gameplay behind. I still have a lot of fun (and so do my kids) playing on a RetroPie

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